Hi again "Why"
I remember many many years ago reading the biography of the once famous but now seldom mentioned Bertrand Russell.
What struck me at the time was the mention of the regular Sunday lunches with his extended family, a motley crew of Parlimentarians, free thinkers , a forceful Church of England Minister, a Communist and varied creative types.
Bertrand himself, no stranger to debate described a virtual free for all, a cacophany of well thought out ideas and ones more of the spur of the moment observations, often heated, most often barely civil but with an affection that allowed for the "I beg to differ" acceptance of variety of opinions. They were family after all the dust settled.
I remember at the time thinking, "What a marvellous and normal way to be", at a time when I dare not share what I was reading in Barclay and in Phil Hayworths talks